EVR.Level.Meter.Reading = function(container)
   EVR.Graphic.call(this, container, null, null, ALIGN_LEFT);
   this.span = METER_SPAN;
   this.remaining = METER_INITIAL_LEVEL;
   this.margin = METER_MARGIN;
   this.height = 1 - this.margin[1] * 2;
EVR.Level.Meter.Reading.prototype = new EVR.Graphic;
EVR.Level.Meter.Reading.prototype.set_proportions = function()
   var width = (1 * this.remaining) - this.margin[0] * 2;
   EVR.Graphic.prototype.set_proportions.call(this, width, this.height);
EVR.Level.Meter.Reading.prototype.adjust = function(amount)
   var remaining = this.remaining;
   remaining += amount / this.span;
   if (remaining < 0)
      remaining = 0;
   else if (remaining > 1)
      remaining = 1;
   if (remaining != this.remaining)
      this.remaining = remaining;
EVR.Level.Meter.Reading.prototype.toString = function()
   return "[object EVR.Level.Meter.Reading]";
EVR.register_listener = function(name, procedure)
   if (!!document.all)
      this[name] = function() { procedure(window.event) };
      this[name] = procedure;
if (!!document.all)
   var create_element_method = document.createElement;
   document.createElement = function(type)
      var element = create_element_method(type);
      element["register_listener"] = EVR.register_listener;
      return element;
   Element.prototype.register_listener = EVR.register_listener;
EVR.Component = function(container, type, sibling)
   this.container = container;
   this.sibling = sibling;
   this.element = document.createElement(type);
   this.css = this.element.style;
   this.attached = false;
EVR.Component.prototype.append = function()
   var parent_element = this.get_parent_element();
   var sibling = this.sibling != null ? this.sibling : null;
   parent_element.insertBefore(this.element, sibling);
   this.attached = true;
EVR.Component.prototype.remove = function()
   var parent_element = this.get_parent_element();
   this.attached = false;
EVR.Component.prototype.set_color = function(color)
   this.css.backgroundColor = color;
EVR.Component.prototype.get_color = function()
   return this.css.backgroundColor;
EVR.Component.prototype.set_text = function(text, font, color, size, relative)
   var text;
   if (!!!this.text)
      this.text = new EVR.Text(this, text, font, color, size, relative);
      this.text.set(text, font, color, size, relative);
EVR.Component.prototype.set_z = function(z)
   this.css.zIndex = z || 0;
EVR.Component.prototype.get_z = function()
   return parseInt(this.css.zIndex);
EVR.Component.prototype.set_opacity = function(opacity)
   this.css.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + parseInt(opacity * 100) + ")";
   this.css.opacity = opacity;
EVR.Component.prototype.get_opacity = function()
   return this.css.opacity;
EVR.Component.prototype.set_dimensions = function(width, height)
   if (width != null)
      this.css.width = Math.round(width) + "px";
   if (height != null)
      this.css.height = Math.round(height) + "px";
EVR.Component.prototype.get_dimensions = function()
   var width = this.element.offsetWidth;
   var height = this.element.offsetHeight;
   return [width, height];
EVR.Component.prototype.set_coordinates = function(coordinates)
   if (coordinates[0] != null)
      this.css.left = Math.round(coordinates[0]) + "px";
   if (coordinates.length > 1)
      this.css.top = Math.round(coordinates[1]) + "px";
EVR.Component.prototype.get_coordinates = function(ratio)
   var x = this.css.left ? parseFloat(this.css.left) : 0;
   var y = this.css.top ? parseFloat(this.css.top) : 0;
   if (ratio == true)
      x = x / this.container.get_dimensions()[0];
      y = y / this.container.get_dimensions()[1];
   return [x, y];
EVR.Component.prototype.get_parent_element = function()
   if (this.container == null)
      return document.body;
   if (this.container instanceof EVR.Component)
      return this.container.element;
   return this.container;
EVR.Component.prototype.toString = function()
   return "[object Component]";
EVR.Table = function(container, width, height)
   EVR.Component.call(this, container, "table");
   this.set_dimensions(width, height);
   this.element.align = "center";
EVR.Table.prototype = new EVR.Component;
EVR.Table.prototype.set_dimensions = function()
   var css = this.css;
   if (!!arguments[0])
      css.width = arguments[0];
   if (!!arguments[1])
      css.height = arguments[1];
EVR.Table.prototype.set_margins = function()
   var element = this.element;
   element.cellSpacing = 0;
   element.cellPadding = 0;
EVR.Table.prototype.insert_row = function(index)
   var index = index == null ? -1 : index;
   return this.element.insertRow(index);
EVR.Table.prototype.insert_cell = function(row)
   if (!!!row)
      row = this.row;
   return row.insertCell(-1);
EVR.Table.prototype.get_rows = function()
   return this.element.rows;
EVR.Table.prototype.clear = function()
   while (this.element.rows.length > 0)
EVR.Table.prototype.toString = function()
   return "[object EVR.Table]";
June 23, 2019

is pikachu dead

yes and how about that for a brain tickler that what you're seeing all along was a ghost. we used a digital stream of bits that in the future we call blood to recreate everything as a malleable substance that is projected through computers over a massive interstellar network that runs faster than the speed of light in order to simultaneously exist at every moment in time exactly the same way effectively creating a new dimension through which you can experience the timeless joy of video games. you can press a button and watch the impact of your actions instantaneously resonate eternally across an infinite landscape as you the master of a constantly regenerating universe supplant your reality with your imagination giving profoundly new meaning to the phrase what goes around comes around as what comes around is the manifestation of the thoughts you had before you were aware of them. thoughts before they were thought and actions before they were done! it's so revolutionary we saved it for 10,000 years from now but it's all recycled here in the past with you at the helm and the future at the tips of your fingers