from distutils.core import setup

setup(name="Pygame Framework",
      description="Classes to facilitate the creation of pygame projects",
      author="Frank DeMarco",
      classifiers=["Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha",
                  "Environment :: Plugins",
                  "Intended Audience :: Developers",
                  "License :: Public Domain",
                  "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7"])
from time import sleep
from random import randint

from pgfw.Game import Game

# inheriting from Game allows you to customize your project
class SampleGame(Game):

    square_width = 30

    # update runs every frame, you can think of it as the mainloop
    def update(self):
        screen = self.get_screen()
        bounds = screen.get_size()
        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        screen.fill((255, 255, 255),
                    (randint(0, bounds[0]), randint(0, bounds[1]),
                     self.square_width, self.square_width))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the play method begins the project's animation
from time import time as get_secs

from pygame import joystick as joy
from pygame.key import get_pressed
from pygame.locals import *

from GameChild import *

class Input(GameChild):

    def __init__(self, game):
        GameChild.__init__(self, game)
        self.last_mouse_down_left = None
        self.joystick = Joystick()
        self.delegate = self.get_delegate()

    def load_configuration(self):
        self.release_suffix = self.get_configuration("input", "release-suffix")
        self.key_commands = self.get_configuration().items("keys")
        self.double_click_time_limit = self.get_configuration(
            "mouse", "double-click-time-limit")

    def set_any_press_ignore_list(self):
        self.any_press_ignored = set(["capture-screen", "toggle-fullscreen",
                                      "reset-game", "record-video", "quit",
                                      "mute", "toggle-interpolator"])
        self.any_press_ignored_keys = set()

    def unsuppress(self):
        self.suppressed = False

    def subscribe_to_events(self):
        self.subscribe(self.translate_key, KEYDOWN)
        self.subscribe(self.translate_key, KEYUP)
        self.subscribe(self.translate_joy_button, JOYBUTTONDOWN)
        self.subscribe(self.translate_joy_button, JOYBUTTONUP)
        self.subscribe(self.translate_axis_motion, JOYAXISMOTION)
        self.subscribe(self.translate_mouse_input, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
        self.subscribe(self.translate_mouse_input, MOUSEBUTTONUP)

    def build_key_map(self):
        key_map = {}
        for command, keys in self.key_commands:
            key_map[command] = []
            if type(keys) == str:
                keys = [keys]
            for key in keys:
        self.key_map = key_map

    def build_joy_button_map(self):
        self.joy_button_map = self.get_configuration("joy")

    def suppress(self):
        self.suppressed = True

    def translate_key(self, event):
        if not self.suppressed:
            cancel = event.type == KEYUP
            posted = None
            key = event.key
            for cmd, keys in self.key_map.iteritems():
                if key in keys:
                    self.post_command(cmd, cancel=cancel)
                    posted = cmd
            if (not posted or posted not in self.any_press_ignored) and \
                   key not in self.any_press_ignored_keys:
                self.post_any_command(key, cancel)

    def post_command(self, cmd, **attributes):, **attributes)

    def post_any_command(self, id, cancel=False):
        self.post_command("any", id=id, cancel=cancel)

    def translate_joy_button(self, event):
        if not self.suppressed:
            cancel = event.type == JOYBUTTONUP
            posted = None
            for command, button in self.joy_button_map.iteritems():
                if int(button) == event.button:
                    self.post_command(command, cancel=cancel)
                    posted = command
            if not posted or posted not in self.any_press_ignored:
                self.post_any_command(event.button, cancel)

    def translate_axis_motion(self, event):
        if not self.suppressed:
            axis = event.axis
            value = event.value
            if not value:
                for command in "up", "right", "down", "left":
                    self.post_command(command, cancel=True)
                    if command not in self.any_press_ignored:
                        self.post_any_command(command, True)
                if axis == 1:
                    if value < 0:
                        command = "up"
                    elif value > 0:
                        command = "down"
                    if value > 0:
                        command = "right"
                    elif value < 0:
                        command = "left"
                if command not in self.any_press_ignored:

    def is_command_active(self, command):
        if not self.suppressed:
            if self.is_key_pressed(command):
                return True
            joystick = self.joystick
            joy_map = self.joy_button_map
            if command in joy_map and joystick.get_button(joy_map[command]):
                return True
            if command == "up":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.up)
            elif command == "right":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.right)
            elif command == "down":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.down)
            elif command == "left":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.left)

    def is_key_pressed(self, command):
        poll = get_pressed()
        for key in self.key_map[command]:
            if poll[key]:
                return True

    def translate_mouse_input(self, event):
        button = event.button
        pos = event.pos
        post = self.post_command
        if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if button == 1:
                last = self.last_mouse_down_left
                if last:
                    limit = self.double_click_time_limit
                    if get_secs() - last < limit:
                        post("mouse-double-click-left", pos=pos)
                last = get_secs()
                self.last_mouse_down_left = last

    def get_axes(self):
        axes = {}
        for direction in "up", "right", "down", "left":
            axes[direction] = self.is_command_active(direction)
        return axes

    def register_any_press_ignore(self, *args, **attributes):

    def extract_keys(self, attributes):
        keys = []
        if "keys" in attributes:
            keys = attributes["keys"]
            if type(keys) == int:
                keys = [keys]
        return keys

    def unregister_any_press_ignore(self, *args, **attributes):

class Joystick:

    (up, right, down, left) = range(4)

    def __init__(self):
        js = None
        if joy.get_count() > 0:
            js = joy.Joystick(0)
        self.js = js

    def is_direction_pressed(self, direction):
        js = self.js
        if not js or direction > 4:
            return False
        if direction == 0:
            return js.get_axis(1) < 0
        elif direction == 1:
            return js.get_axis(0) > 0
        elif direction == 2:
            return js.get_axis(1) > 0
        elif direction == 3:
            return js.get_axis(0) < 0

    def get_button(self, id):
	if self.js:
	    return self.js.get_button(id)
March 22, 2020

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